Thursday, March 24, 2011


Several things on my brain today:

1. I am having major twinges of guilt. This is a recent occurrence in my life. The Best Friend said she was “flabbergasted” that I felt this way. To hear of me not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings, or my refusal to be cold hearted and malicious. It will take me a while to adjust to this new me. (and everyone else will need some time too, apparently.)
2. I’m not enough, period. Inadequate. Foolish. Dim-witted Girl.
3. I am obsessed with a song by the Civil Wars. It’s so pretty, and I really just love the feeling it ignites inside of me.
4. Being in the presence of my Best-Friend-In-Love, is completely different than being around my Best Friend. Not in a bad way, just ODD. Both of my closest friends are now in committed, healthy, Happy relationships. It’s lovely to see. I keep tossing away feelings of being legitimately lonely. I despise confessing any form of fragility.
5. Still [Stil]:
- remaining in place or at rest; motionless. to stand still.
- free from sound or noise, as a place or persons; silent. to keep still about a matter.
-subdued or low in sound; hushed. a still, small voice.

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